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Anne Lloyd Willett, MS, NCPT

movement therapist, movement specialist, facilitator of empowerment and transformation 

The body is a beautiful and amazing vessel that houses the soul. 

Through movement, one can make all kinds of discoveries.

The body speaks ~ it whispers and sometimes it screams.

The key is to listen, and to respond.

Sign Up for

Delightful, Empowering and Positive Tips on 

Getting Connected

To Body, To Self, To Your Purpose

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Click on Sunset Photo Above
for one of Anne's
audio relaxation meditations
(6 1/2-minutes)
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Anne Lloyd Willett, MS, NCPT
movement therapist, movement specialist, life coach, artist ~ facilitator of empowerment and transformation

working through the lens of Fascia and Biotensegrity


The body is a beautiful and amazing vessel that houses the soul. 

Through movement, one can make all kinds of discoveries.

The body speaks ~ it whispers, and sometimes it screams.

The key is to listen, and to respond.

~ One on one sessions ~
~ Group workshops and retreats ~

Anne provides a priority one service to those wishing to seriously work in a much deeper, more impactful way toward their total well-being. 

Anne’s clients’ range in age from 12 to 101 and include -- serious athletes to those wishing to avoid surgery to those wanting to be free of pain to those seeking to better connect with their bodies, souls, spirit and self
through movement.
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let Anne facilitate you
on a journey
of awakening, discovery, integration
and movement through life
~ ensoulment ~ embodiment ~
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Sign Up for

Delightful, Empowering and Positive Tips on 

Getting Connected

To Body, To Self, To Your Purpose

© 2018 Anne Lloyd Willett

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